Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc Inductee Selection Process

It has been stated that some people that people know should be in the CARB Hall of Fame. That is political and not being done the right way because the person they think should be in the Hall of Fame is not. Quote, “Right now it’s more of a who you know or like better.” Or “HoF are kind of, well you know……” Or “It was never intended to be controlled by one-person.”

Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. Selection Process was written up by the Members of Central Auto Racing Boosters Board of Directors and presented to the General Membership to be voted on before it became a 501(c)3. This process was voted by General Membership members that attended a meeting and approved this format. (Format below).


The intent of the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. is to honor those deserving individuals whose contributions to the Selection Committee are deserving of inclusion into the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum. All nominees will be judged on their contributions to racing.

1. Who May Nominate?

(a)   Anyone may submit a name.  (Before this the only people who could nominate someone had to be a member of CARB.)
(b)Self-nominations are not accepted.  
(c)   Criteria and Qualifications:

• Anyone (Driver, Track Employee, Track Owner, Car Builder, Engine Builder, Car Owner, Mechanic, Crew Chief, Pit Crew, Former or Current Member of the Central Auto Racing Boosters, Individual Sponsor, Media Person, or Fan) who has contributed to the betterment of Circle or Figure 8 track racing in the state of Missouri or Kansas can be nominated.                                                                                               
• Nominees who have been out of racing for two (2) years or longer will be considered automatically eligible. Active nominees will be considered eligible provided their contribution is and has been ongoing for a minimum of twenty (20) years. 
• Nomination Forms can be obtained at any Central Auto Racing Boosters General Membership meeting, from the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. website www.carbhalloffame.com or, from any member of the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc Board member. Also, from the C.A.R.B website www.kccarb.com. 
• The completed nomination form must be submitted to the Selection Committee Chairperson by September 1st of each year.

2. Nominees:

• If a nominee is not inducted after 5 years of being on the ballot, the nominees name will be removed from future ballots.  However, the nominee can be re-nominated.
• A nominee must have a minimum of five (5) votes in any given year to be selected.
• The maximum number of inductees per year will be up to eight (8).

3. Selection Committee: Chairperson

• Chairperson will be selected by the President of Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. 
• The Chairperson will cast his/her ballot at the same time as committee members and the ballot will be placed in a sealed envelope and given to the President of the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. 
• The ballot is only opened in case of a tie.

Selection Committee

• Will consist of:
• Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. Board Members (Officers and Directors)
• All living Inductees of Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum     
• Five to Nine Volunteers from the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc General Membership 
• Volunteers must be in good standing.
• Volunteers will be requested at the October Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. General Membership meeting. (Changed to 9 racing knowledgeable people from Kansas and Missouri)
• If more than 9 people volunteers, a secret ballot vote will be taken immediately by the Board of the Central Auto Racing Boosters and Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc board to determine the 9 who will serve on the Selection Committee.

4.       Voting Process

• On the 1st Saturday of November of each year, the following items will be given or/mailed to each person on the Selection Committee: 
• A short biography of each Nominee including his/her accomplish the ballots; and
• A Self-Address Stamped Envelope (returning all ballots to the Chairperson of the Selection Committee at the address of the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum Inc. current secretary).
• The Secretary will not open any of these envelopes. The envelopes will be turned over to the Chairperson at the meeting when it has been set for the opening of the ballots.
• Each person on the Selection Committee will have until November 30th of the current year to return his/her ballot. All ballots must be post marked by November 30th in order to be counted.
• All ballots that are sent out will be numbered and, if two ballots come back with the same number those ballots will not be counted.  The ballots along with the envelopes that they were sent in will be given to the Chairperson, shown to the Committee Members and then destroyed.
• The Chairperson and the Selection Committee will open all ballots during a Selection Committee meeting (date of that meeting will be determined but must take place before the December Central Auto Racing Boosters General Membership meeting to allow Postal Service to deliver ballots that have been post marked on November 30th to be counted.)
• In case of a tie, the Selection Committee Chairpersons ballot will be opened, and the tie broken. The ballot will only be read if there is a tie.  However, if the tie is not broken then each member of the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. Board (Officers and Directors) will each get one vote in order to break the tie of the tied individuals only.
• Committee members cannot vote for a nominee if they are related in any way.
REV: 03/15

5. Changes to the Selection Process

In order for a change in the selection process to be approved, the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum Board must provide, in writing, the proposed change(s).   
               REV: 01/17 

It has been said why isn’t this person or this person in the Hall of Fame, “They deserve to be there, they earned it.”  So, my question to you is “Why haven’t you nominated that person?”

Also please remember that when you nominate that person that documentation has to be submitted with your nomination by September 1st and not just a “I think he or she really needs to be in the Hall of Fame” and nothing else.

When the nominations are turned in the nominations are followed up by the board to find all the information that they can that you did or did not turn in with the nomination to write up Bios on your nomination so the selection committee can read and vote on them.

The Hall of Fame is being criticized for not selecting the right people to be in the Hall of Fame. To me you are criticizing the PAST LIVING INDUCTEE’S that are voting. The inductees that were voted in by people who raced alongside of them or have followed their racing careers. And are still involved in racing themselves.

Please also read above where it states and was voted on by the General Membership:

• If a nominee is not inducted after 5 years of being on the ballot, the nominees name will be removed from future ballots.  However, the nominee can be re-nominated.
• A nominee must have a minimum of five (5) votes in any given year to be selected.
• The maximum number of inductees per year will be up to eight (8).

There is also a Pioneer Inductee.  That inductee is someone who contributed to racing that was involved in the ways listed above before the year 1952 when CARB was formed. 

 Pioneer Class:

The intent of the Central Auto Racing Hall of Fame is to honor those deserving individuals since the inception of this club in 1952. In 2010 those individuals whose racing contributions occurred before the creation of the organization and whose contributions per the Selection Committee are deserving of inclusion into the Hall of Fame will be inducted as a “Pioneer Class”.

• The “Pioneer Class” nominees will be reviewed by the Selection Committee every five (5) years to determine if they should be inducted. The Selection Committee must consider those nominated and determine if anyone should be selected. All nominees from before 1952 to the current date for the Central Auto Racing Hall of Fame Pioneer Class will be judged on their contributions to racing and compared to those nominated at the time of the Selection Committee meeting.

Note: and I repeat it is ‘not’ up to any Hall of Fame director / board members on who gets inducted. BUT up to 70 voters.  The TOP 8 nominees are the ones who are inducted. The remaining nominees continue to be on the list for 5 years. After 5 years they roll off, until someone re-nominates them.

It is an Honor to be nominated and all their information will be in the archives forever.  So, what you need to do now is YOU, YOURSELF, nominate or re-nominate the person YOU think should be in the Hall of Fame.  But please remember that only 8 can be inducted a year.

Nomination forms can be found here on this website under Forms.  

Hall of Fame Nomination Form - Front

Hall of Fame Nomination Guideline - Back

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